Étude acoustique et articulatoire de la parole Lombard : Effets globaux sur l'énoncé entier
Maëva Garnier, Lucie Bailly, Marion Dohen, Pauline Welby, Helène Loevenbruck.
This study aims at characterizing the articulatory modifications that occur in speech in noisy environments, and at examining them as compensatory strategies. Audio, EGG and video signals were recorded for a female native speaker of French. The corpus consisted of short sentences with a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) structure. The sentences were recorded in three conditions : silence, 85dB white noise, 85dB "cocktail party" noise. Labial parameters were extracted from the video data. The analyses enabled us to examine the effect of the type of noise and to show that hyper-articulation concerns lip aperture and spreading rather than lip pinching. The analysis of the relationship between acoustic and articulatory parameters show that this speaker especially adapts to noise not only by talking louder or increasing vowel recognition cues but also by increasing spectral emergence.