Représentation paramétrique des relations temporelles appliquée à l’analyse de données audio pour la mise en évidence de zones de parole conversationnelle
Zein Al Abidin IBRAHIM, Isabelle FERRANÉ, Philippe JOLY.
The general aim of our work is the automatic analysis of audiovisual document to caraterize their structure by studying the temporal relations between the events occurring in it. For this purpose, we have proposed a parametric representation of temporal relations. From this representation, a TRM (Temporal Relation Matrix) can be computed and analyzed to identify relevant relation class. In this paper, we applied our method on audio data, mainly on speaker and applause segmentations from a TV game program. Our purpose is to analyze these basic audio events, to see if the observations automatically highlighted could reveal information of a higher level like speaker exchanges or conversation, which may be relevant in a structuring or indexing process.