L'implication des contraintes motrices dans "l'effet Labial Coronal"
amélie Rochet-Capellan, Jean-luc Schwartz.
Stability of LC (Labial-Coronal) and CL CVCV se-quences was compared using the paradigm of reiterant speech with rate increase. The rationale was that rate in-crease would lead the articulatory system towards its most stable coordination mode . A first study analyzed the acoustic productions of 28 French speakers. Then, a sec-ond study focused on the articulatory coordination for 5 speakers. Results show that the repetition of LC and CL CVCV sequences could both evolve towards an LC (/pata/->/patá->/ptá) or a CL (/pata/->/páta->/tpá) attrac-tor. Yet, the LC attractor is largely favored compared with the CL one. Moreover, rate increase drives lips and tongue occlusions close together on a single jaw cycle. These results provide new elements to explain the LC effect in world languages by motor control constraints.