L'intégration bimodale de l'anticipation du flux vocalique dans le flux consonantique
Emilie TROILLE, Marie-Agnès CATHIARD.
It is well known that speech can be seen before it is heard: this has been repeatedly shown for the vowel rounding anticipatory gesture leading the sound (Cathiard [6]). In this study, the perception of French vowel [y] anticipatory coarticulation was tested throughout a voiced fricative consonant [z] with a gating paradigm. It was found that vowel auditory information, as carried by the noise of the fricative, was ahead of visual and even audiovisual information. Hence the time course of bimodal information in speech cannot be considered to display the same pattern whatever the timing of the coordination of speech gestures. As concerns vowel information only, consonantal coarticulation can carry earlier auditory information than the vowel itself, this depending of the structure of the stimulus. In our fricative-vowel case, it was obvious that the vowel building movement was audible throughout the fricative noise, whereas the changes in formant grouping occurred later.